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Teen Application: FAQ


How old are the campers at Camp Jenny?
Camp Jenny campers are grades K-5 (ages 5-12).

Where are the campers from?
The campers who are coming to Camp Jenny are from Atlanta and attend F.L. Stanton Elementary School.

How much does Camp Jenny cost?
Camp Jenny is funded by money that individuals and youth groups raise during the year. Sending one camper to Camp Jenny costs approximately $550. The campers and the teen/adult volunteers do not pay to attend Camp Jenny. Teen and adult volunteers are expected to help fundraise for Camp Jenny and raise at least $200.



I am a teen and want to apply to be a Camp Jenny staff member. Where can I find the application?
Be sure to read all of the application information, and then follow the link on that page to apply!

In order to see the entire application, you have to be ready to enter all of your application answers.  Is there a way that I can see all of the questions that are on the application so that I can plan accordingly?

Yes!  You can download the printable version of the application.  This document is for planning purposes only.  Once you have planned your answers, you will need to submit the online application.  No paper applications will be accepted.

I am an adult and would like to apply to be an Adult Volunteer at Camp Jenny. Where can I find the application?
The Adult Volunteer application information can be found here.

What teen volunteer positions are available at Camp Jenny?
You can find a list of the teen positions on this page.

Can I apply for more than one position?
Yes! You are encouraged to apply for as many positions as you are interested in. You will be able to indicate your preferred position on the application. If you apply for leadership positions, there are additional questions you’ll need to answer.

How many teen staff spots are available at Camp Jenny?
There are typically 150-200 applications for approximately 120 available staff positions.

I am not a member of a URJ congregation. Can I still apply to Camp Jenny?
Yes, all Jewish teens are invited to apply. Priority is given to teens that are involved in a Reform synagogue or youth program in our regions.

I am involved in NFTY but I do not live in NFTY-SAR or NFTY-STR. Can I still apply to Camp Jenny?
Yes, but priority is given to teens that live in our regions.

Do I need to submit a letter of recommendation from my youth director or Rabbi?
You do not need to submit a letter. However, during the application review process, congregational professionals are given the opportunity to provide information about the teens from their synagogue that apply for Camp Jenny.

What is the application deadline?
Applications (with the exception of the poster) must be submitted online by 11:59 pm on Friday, December 13, 2024. The poster must be POSTMARKED (not received) by December 13, 2024. Applications after December 13 will be reviewed if there are open positions available.

What are the dates and times of Camp Jenny 2025?
Teen and adult volunteers are expected to be at Camp Jenny May 22-26, 2025. Leadership team members will be asked to arrive on the 21st. Times have not yet been finalized. Please don’t make any travel plans at this time. Travel information will be provided upon your acceptance.

I can not attend the entire event. Can I still apply?
In most cases, no. Because of the training that takes place during orientation, it’s important that volunteers attend  the entire event. If you have extenuating circumstances, please reach out to to discuss! Permission for exceptions is not guaranteed and decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis.



What are the poster rules/guidelines?
All teen applicants must make a small poster to get the campers excited about Camp Jenny. The rules, guidelines and submission details are listed on the Poster Guidelines & Submission Form.

Can I use a computer to help design and print my poster?
Most people make their posters using markers, crayons, scissors, etc. We do occasionally receive a poster that was digitally designed and printed. There is no rule prohibiting that.

I have completed my poster. Now what do I do?
First, take a photo of your poster, just in case it gets damaged or lost in the mail. Once you have completed your poster and it is ready to be mailed, print off the Camp Jenny Poster Form. Complete the form and include it in the envelope with your poster. Once the poster and the completed form are sealed in the envelope, mail the envelope to:

Camp Jenny Poster
c/o URJ Camp Coleman
1580 Spalding Dr.
Atlanta, GA 30350

  • Send posters without needing a signature – someone is not always at the office.

  • Posters cannot be dropped off in person – they can only be received through the mail.

  • There is no reason to send your poster by overnight mail. It only needs to be postmarked by December 13. It does not need to arrive by a certain day.

What if my poster gets lost in the mail?

When we notice that we have completed applications that are missing a poster, we reach out to the teen who submitted the application to find out if they sent a poster. If you did send a poster but it did not arrive, we will ask you to send us a photo of your poster, and will use that to score the poster.



How will my application be evaluated?
Written applications and video submissions will be evaluated on a number of criteria, including but not limited to:

  • Overall creative responses

  • Experience with elementary age children

  • Positive attitude

All applicants will also be evaluated on their Camp Jenny poster. Creativity and effort, not skill, is what is evaluated.

Written applications and video submissions are judged solely on their own merit and are ranked on a point system. 



When will I find out if I have been selected as a Camp Jenny staff member?
Camp Jenny applications will be reviewed in December and January. You will be notified of your status by the end of January. Notification emails will be sent on a weekday in the afternoon (after school hours).

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Camp Jenny, Camp Coleman, and NFTY are part of the
Union for Reform Judaism family of camps and youth programs.


© Union for Reform Judaism

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